As a child, I absolutely loved playing with paper fortune tellers.

Do you remember those? The ones we folded out of paper, with hidden messages inside? I spent countless hours with friends, laughing and discovering what our fortunes held. It was such a simple game, but it brought so much joy and creativity into my life.

(I just found out the name of this game now. I still don't know how it is called in Portuguese.)

So, when creating my first collection, Everyday Small Pleasures, I found myself thinking back to those paper fortune tellers. The shapes and folds inspired the design of the Hana pieces. 

As I worked, something amazing happened – the designs started to look like flowers. It was a happy accident that added a whole new layer of meaning to the collection. I LOVE flowers.

When the time came to name the pieces, I decided to add another topic that I love: Japan. So, I named the pieces Hana, which means flower in Japanese. 

Choosing a Japanese name felt right and added a personal touch, reflecting a very special time I spent in the country, my honeymoon during the Cherry Blossom.

Creating the Hana pieces has been a journey of blending childhood memories with unexpected beauty. Each piece is a reminder of those playful, carefree days and the elegance and ephemeris of flowers.

I'm excited to share more about these pieces with you and hope they bring joy and inspiration to your day.

