Creating the Oscar Earrings
Do you have a favourite t-shirt or pair of jeans that you wear EVERYWHERE?
My favourite top is a striped one - classic black and white stripes. Actually, I love striped tops so much that sometimes I think my closet looks like those cartoon wardrobes, that they open the doors and the clothes are all the same. But, even though amongst all these stripes, I do have my favourite one, and I find myself going back to it time after time.
Of course, the same happens with my jewellery. Day after day, I find myself wearing the same pair of earrings: the Oscar Stud Earrings. Some days, I wear the black one, some days, the white one... but always them.

They are very lightweight, and with their basic colours, they are perfect for everyday life. Especially for me, unfortunately, I can not wear heavy earrings for a long time, so having something comfortable is primordial.
I also love the soft stone feel of the earrings, and I find myself 'caressing' them during the day while thinking.
Anyway, this is all to tell you more about the creation process of the Oscar Stud Earrings, which was the whole point of this post.

Believe it or not, the Oscar Stud Earrings are created using only a paintbrush, inspired by the idea of paintings coming to life.
Slowly, drop by drop, the paint, made of a concrete-type resin, is put together in a process that takes three days to complete.
The whole process of creating these earrings is very relaxing and calming.
As you can tell by this email, besides loving wearing them, I also love making them.
And you, what is your favourite thing?
Do you have a pair of Oscar Earrings? Do you wear them all the time, like I do?