Let me start this straight to the point, how perfect are you?
Think about it, are you really as perfect as everything else you expect to be?
Probably not! And my friend, that's beautiful.

Perfection doesn't exist. We were told this lie just because it is convenient for a few people.
You also know it doesn't exist, but why are we always searching for it? Crazy, right?!
On a superficial first level, we are always trying to remove that scar from a bike accident or a wrinkle on the corner of the eye, update the lip, or make our skin more acceptable without any pores.
And on a deeper level, we also hide our true selves so people will like us.
All of this is in the name of being perfect.

As we can not be perfect ourselves, we try to show this perfection through objects and our way of living. The house needs to be perfect all the time, like a showroom, the food must be beautifully presented so we can show off on Instagram. That trip was so fun that we spent the whole time taking 867567896 photos just to show the best/perfect one to people we have no idea who they are.
This is nonsense; unfortunately, this is the time we live in. Everyone showing their 'perfectness'.
But the thing is, we NEED these little (or big) mistakes; that's what gives us personality and makes us unique.
Of course, this is a process of acceptance, but we need to be aware of it the whole time and embrace it. My freckles, which I tried to hide so much, are now proudly showing, and as a living person, my skin has pores that I refuse to cover with any filter.
I made (and make) so many mistakes with people that I care about, but I apologised, and through that, they were able to understand a part of me that I usually don't show off. I was also able to see another version of them.
I think the vulnerability of not being perfect is amazing, and I am always aware of it in my life, which I reflect on in my pieces.

Creating a piece is like being born - it is cathartic; therefore, it leaves marks - birthmarks.
A piece of jewellery goes through a whole process until it is ready for you, and along the way, some marks disappear, and others show up because that's life.
We can not go through this without having some marks stamped on us and neither can my pieces.
They are beautiful imperfections that make each piece unique and beautiful.
Let's not forget that life goes on, and you wearing it and leaving your marks stamped on the piece is part of the process and should be welcome.
Maybe that's perfection, a combination of flaws that makes us and everything else perfect.